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MGSU is the leading Russian institute of higher education in the sphere of civil engineering. The University heads the Education and Methodics Association of academic civil engineering institutions of the Russian Federation and the International Association of Educational Civil Engineering Institutions (AECEI), which includes more than 150 educational institutions and its branches, with the degree program “Civil Engineering” from the Russian Federation and foreign countries.

The lab facilities of Science And Technology Complex comprise the most advanced, highly valuable and unique equipment of international standard. Science And Technology Complex includes more than 26 scientific and educational centers and laboratories.

Research equipment→
Areas of Research→

Required documents:   

  1. Application Form
  2. Motivation letter
  3. Transcript of Records
  4. Copy of international passport (for visa arrangements)
  5. Confirmation on enrollment at your home university

Contact information
Please submit all documents to International Academic Mobility department
Marat Magomedov 

Tel.: +7 (499) 183-38-01 

Yaroslavskoe shosse, 26,
Moscow, Russia, 129337

Please check if you need visa to entry Russian Federation for study. We provide visa support for applicants.

© 03.05.2024 | MGSU
In case of a reprint of text information and photos the link to the site of MGSU is mandatory